Can you copy this exactly?
I can't pay you, but you will get exposure.
Make it bigger.
Make it more fun, creative, edgy, but keep it professional.
It's just a small change, so it shouldn't take long.
"You're the expert here. Can't you just do your creative magic?"
I wish I could lounge around in my pjs and slippers all day, too.
"Once you're done with the design, I can have unlimited revisions, right?"
"I started the design for you in Microsoft Word, Paint, Canva. Can you finish it for me?"
When working with a (graphic) designer avoid these phrases! Remember, clear communication and mutual respect are key to bringing your vision to life.
I studied these advices from @mirellafabienne on Instagram so I credit.
I am thankful to having studied these advices and sharing them on my blog as pieces of advice for every designer to follow.